About Dr. McWelling Todman


Dr. Todman completed his Bachelor's Degree at Swarthmore College. He earned his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at the New School for Social Research, followed by Internship at the Department of Psychiatry at Mount Sinai Medical Center. Currently, he is a Professor of Clinical Practice at NSSR. In addition to teaching both graduate and undergraduate courses in the areas of psychopathology, addictions, and research, he is the Director of the Concentration in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Counseling Master's Program, and the Chair and Director of Undergraduate Studies for Psychology.

Dr. Todman's research focus may be broadly defined as an interest in psychopathology along the schizophrenia spectrum, a critical and progressive dialogue around chemical and behavioral addictions, and the potential for insight and self-monitoring of psychotic and addictive behavior. He is also interested in the assessment and classification of psychiatric disorders. Lastly, Dr. Todman has an acute interest in the psychological derivatives of boredom and boredom proneness. 

